Nurturing Your Peace Lilies Through
Winter: Top 4 Effective Tips

Asma Rasool
3 min readDec 18, 2023


Hey there, plant enthusiasts! Winter is here, and your peace lilies are longing for extra care to thrive in the chill. Picture this: your cozy living room adorned with vibrant greenery, defying the winter blues. How can we make that happen?

Despite providing oxygen to your space, peace lilies offer ambiance, a fresh touch to your indoor decor. Let’s keep rolling on the ultimate guide to pampering your peace lilies this winter!

Finding the Perfect Spot: Light Requirements

Create a winter haven for your peace lilies. They’re like friends who relish balance — not too bright, not too dim. Locate a cozy spot with filtered sunlight, steering clear of drafts.

And for those dreary winter days, an LED disco party can be just the thing to keep spirits high. You can install artificial lights, with a blue and red tinge to help the plants nourish and flourish.

Otherwise, you can also keep them near the window and paste a colored sheet of origami paper on the window. This way your plant will have filtered sunlight and the chances of withering the plant will be near zero.

Creating a Tropical Getaway: Temperature and Humidity

Your green buddies aren’t fond of meteorological roller coasters. Shield them from drafts and heaters, the plant equivalents of thrill rides! They prefer a steady temperature between 65°F to 80°F. Fun fact — they adore a touch of humidity.

Why not place a tray with water and pebbles nearby? It’s akin to granting them a mini tropical vacation right in your home. You can also place a humidifier where you keep your plant.

Imagine your peace lilies reclining in their tropical nook, savoring a sip of humidity, and relishing a snug winter day. It’s like a vacation for your plants!

A Slow Sip Routine: Watering Wisely

Winter is here, and your peace lilies are taking a leisurely pace — a growth slowdown, to be precise. Tailor their watering routine accordingly. Allow the soil a breather between sips.

Check it, feel it — a tad dry? Time to water. This wards off soggy scenarios and keeps those roots content. Do not overwater!

A Balanced Diet for Dormancy: Introduce Seasonal

Last but not least, let’s talk about nutrients. As winter settles in, your peace lilies ease into a slight snooze. Opt for a balanced, diluted fertilizer crafted for houseplants.

There is no need to inundate them — a sprinkle every six to eight weeks suffices to keep them nourished without inducing an overfed slump.


In conclusion, winter care for your peace lilies revolves around crafting a snug home, fostering winter vibes outside, and nurturing thriving peace lilies inside.

Grasp their needs for light, temperature, and humidity, tweak watering habits accordingly, and provide a balanced diet. This lays the foundation for a winter wonderland right in your living space.

So, go ahead, lavish attention on your green buddies, and revel in the vibrant, healthy foliage they bestow upon you during winter’s chill.

