Top 5 BedTime Sleep Tips for Glowing Skin

Asma Rasool
3 min readDec 18, 2023


After a long, tiring, and hectic day and dealing with our share of chaos, we look forward to our bedtime. This is when we can relax, rejuvenate, and prepare ourselves for the next day’s challenges. A consistent bedtime routine is essential as it gives many health benefits, whether physical or mental.

Imagine this: the next day, you will be more tired and devastated if you can’t take time off from your hectic schedule to reflect on your health regime. This routine should also include a skincare regime that you should follow religiously, as it will assist you in restoring your skin.

A consistent and effective routine will help you to gain flawless, glowing skin. It will help prevent acne, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance the skin’s texture. This is because your skin regenerates three times faster at night than in the daytime.

So, let’s take a break and know what to do in a regular bedtime routine to boost glowing and radiant skin.

Don’t Leave the Makeup On

This is a complete no, even if you are exhausted. Take a minute or two to thoroughly remove all the makeup from your skin. Use a good makeup cleanser that suits your skin type and wash your face.

Otherwise, you will end up getting clogged pores and breaking out, which I am sure is the last thing you want to happen to your face.

Moreover, you should wash and clean your face before sleep, even if you are not wearing makeup. Your skin was exposed to dirt, germs, oil, and pollution all day. To undo the daytime damage, you must wash your face.

Pamper Your Eye Area

The skin around the eyes is quite sensitive. It requires extra care, and yes, you must spoil it to prevent tired and puffy eyes plus dark circles. Invest in a good eye cream, and apply it gently around the eye to have fresh eyes. Choose wisely according to your skin.

Sleep on the Back

Have you ever paid attention to this aspect? I am sure many of us are still unaware that sleep on the back helps us get radiant skin. Sleeping on the back takes all the fluids from our face area. As a result, you can witness reduced puffiness in the morning.

Additionally, temporary lines on the face appear when one sleeps on their side. If you are a person who sleeps on your stomach, go for a satin pillow cover to avoid fine lines.

Use of Anti-Aging Products

Aging indications can be slowed or reduced using face creams, face wash, moisturizers, or night creams containing peptides, vitamin C, or retinol. Before bed, lightly massage your face with Vitamin E oil to help nourish your skin.

Use a Moisture

Always apply a good moisturizer or a night cream before going to bed. It will give you soothing effects and help decrease and prevent redness and irritation. Night creams or moisturizers also aid in skin hydration.

Final Words

Life chores and chaos will never end. They should not be a reason to stop you from caring for yourself. It’s all about priorities and time management. Therefore, to ensure that you enjoy the most rejuvenating beauty sleep possible, take some time to implement some of the above beauty recommendations before heading straight to bed.

Love yourself! You deserve it, and yes, you are worth it!

